Due to recent changes in the law governing manufactured home land lease communities per 25 Del Code Chapter 70, known as the Manufactured Home Owners and Community Owners Act, community owners and operators are now required to submit a special assessment for the sole purpose of assisting residents and community owners when a change in the use of the land requires termination of the existing rental agreement. This law requires a $4.50 per month assessment per leased lot be submitted to the Delaware Division of Revenue on a quarterly basis, to be held in trust as the Delaware Manufactured Home Relocation Trust Fund.
The Authority is administered by a board of directors (Board) made up of the following five voting members: One member who is appointed by the Governor from a list of at least two nominees submitted by the largest not-for-profit association representing manufactured homeowners in the State;
One member who is appointed by the Governor from a list of at least two nominees submitted by the largest not-for-profit association representing the manufactured home industry in this State; one member who is appointed by the Governor from the public-at-large; one member who is appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and, one member who is appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. One nonvoting member shall be appointed by the Attorney General, as a representative of the Consumer Protection Unit of the Justice Department, but none of the last three members listed above shall be a landlord, community owner, home owner, or tenant. All Board members shall be residents of the State, and such members shall serve at the pleasure of the authority that appointed such member.