The Delaware Manufactured Home Relocation Authority (“Authority”) was established by the Delaware Legislature pursuant to 25 Del. C. §7011. The primary purpose of the Authority is to: (a) provide financial assistance to manufactured home owners who are tenants in a manufactured home community where the community owner changes the use of the land or converts the manufactured home community to a condominium or cooperative community; and (b) to provide financial assistance to manufactured home community owners for the removal and/or disposal of non-relocatable or abandoned manufactured homes when there is a change in use or a conversion; (c) administer the Right of First Offer provisions set forth in 25 Del.C. §7026; and (d) facilitate the rent increase dispute resolution procedures set forth in 25 Del.C §7043.
The Authority, pursuant to 25 Del. C. §7012(e)(f), originally set an initial $3.00 monthly assessment for deposit into the Delaware Manufactured Relocation Trust Fund (“Trust Fund”). Effective January 1, 2015, the assessment was changed to $5.00 per month. One half of the monthly assessment is the obligation of the tenant of the rented lot, and one half of the assessment is the obligation of the Landlord. The Authority was established by the Legislature to administer the Trust Fund. To carry out its regulatory responsibilities, the Authority -was – directed to adopt a plan of operation and articles, by-laws, and operating rules, and to establish procedures under which applications for payment from the Authority could be approved. The Authority has adopted a comprehensive set of bylaws (which are included herein under Part A) and Organizational Regulations and Rules of Procedure (which are included herein under Part B). Guidelines and Procedures for use in the administration of the Trust Fund and processing applications for assistance are included herein under Part C.
Part A – Bylaws of the Delaware Manufactured Home Relocation Authority
Part B – Organizational Regulations and Rules of Procedure
Part C – Guidelines used for the administration of the Delaware Manufactured Home Relocation Trust Fund
Appendix A – Tenant Application: The maximum relocation payment available to the tenant is $9,500 for a single-wide and $13,500 for a multi-section home.
Appendix B – Landlord Application